Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Clementina de Jesus- S/T- ****
Judy Mowatt- Black Woman- *****

George Porter Jr.- Porter's Pocket-**
(This was disappointing, though mercifully short. I love George to death, but this is just a collection of tired jams that sound bad and go nowhere. Anyone else and it's getting one star.)

Sandy Denny- Sandy-****1/2
Todd Rundgren w/The Davey Lane Band- Melbourne, 3/6/25-***1/2

Icecream Hands- Memory Lane Traffic Jam- ***1/2
(Might have gotten four stars if it was five songs shorter.)

The Turtles- The Battle of The Bands- ****1/2
(My favorite Turtles record.)

Byron Lee & The Dragonaires- The Midas Touch-***1/2
(First time. Byron Lee has too many records, and many are hit and miss. This is worth the time. Opening track is super hokey, but the album finds itself. Even a bit psychedelic at times. Fun spin.)

Locksley- Don't Make Me Wait-****
Lisa Loeb- Hits & Misses (Personal Playlist)- ****


Michael Giltz said...

Hmm, how about a Turtles rundown?

Cleveland Jeff said...

You turned me on to Black Woman a while ago, and I bought it, and it is great. Thanks.


Clementina de Jesus- S/T- **** Judy Mowatt- Black Woman- ***** George Porter Jr.- Porter's Pocket-** (This was disappointing, though mer...