Sunday, May 26, 2024


Paul Weller- 66
(This is an amazing record. Even better second time around.)

Nico- Chelsea Girl
(Not sure what compelled me to play this on such a beautiful spring day, but it's working somehow.)

Dillard & Clark- The Fantastic Expedition Of...(Kevin Gray Remaster)
Lenny Kravitz- Blue Electric Light

Daniel Romano's Outfit- Do (What Could Have Been "Infidels) By Bob Dylan The Plugz
(If you know, you know. Genius.)

Led Zeppelin- I
(Someone posted this on Threads, "Can we please go one year without mentioning Led Zeppelin?," and I immediately felt like hearing the first album. So, no.)

Wings- At The Speed Of Sound
(Two friends texting about McCartney and this happened. No complaints.)


Anonymous said...

Listened to 66 a earlier today. Very good first spin.

Chameleons new single is even better the 2nd time around.

- Paul in DK

Sal Nunziato said...

I can't find the first comment you left about the Chameleons single. You had a link to it and I don't remember where you left the comment. Did I accidentally delete it?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for 66 and The Chameleons. Both amazing! :)

cmealha said...

Paul Weller is one of those artists I want to like more but for some reason, he doesn't always click with me. When I first listened to "66" I had the same reaction I did to most of his stuff. Some nice tunes, but nothing that really grabs me to the point where I have to go back and listen. But I keep going back and it sounds better with each successive spin. Songs that I dismissed the first time, like "A Glimpse of You" and "Sleepy Hollow", have now been added to my library. Think I'll get the vinyl.

Sal Nunziato said...


I am actually listening to it for the third time as I type this. I think it's a gorgeous record. Some of these melodies, like "Flying Fish" and "Rise Up" are epic. On third go around, I think it may be my second fave Weller after "On Sunset."

cmealha said...

Just ordered both on Amazon

Bill said...

That Daniel Romano's Outfit record is the bomb. A great idea that is so well executed. Imagine if Bob had kept on with the Plugz...

Anonymous said...

Sal, the link to the Chameleons info is my comment from Saturday, May 25, 2024

- Paul in DK


Joe Higgs- Life Of Contradiction-****1/2 Aggrovators- Reggae Stones Dub (about half)- **1/2 Graduate- Acting My Age- **** (Had no idea this ...