Friday, February 16, 2024


Sun Ra & His Solar Arkestra- Planet Earth
(A fave from his vast catalogue.)

Kraftwerk- Radio-Activity
(This is the record Bowie & Iggy listened to constantly before & during their classic collaborations and man, you can really hear the influence on all of those records.)

Joe Jackson- Presents Max Champion In "What A Racket"
(Still loving this record. A brilliant idea with brilliant execution.)

Golden Earring- Winter Harvest
(A friend asked if I could recommend 5 Golden Earring records. This was the first I mentioned.)

Todd Rundgren- Initiation (Original Japanese Pressing, Side One)
(Been wanting to hear this notoriously compressed LP with the new Ortofon cartridge and yes indeed, it does sound better!)

The Replacements- All Shook Down
(Just barely a 'Mats album. More like a Westerberg solo LP with special guests. John Cale and Terry Reid are on it! Still love it though.)

Steely Dan- The Royal Scam
(This caught my eye as I put The Replacements record away. Underrated record. I think much better than "Katy Lied.")


Michael Giltz said...

Are there five good Golden Earring albums? I wouldn't even have known they MADE five albums! Those four albums in a row are all great: Pretzel Logic, Katy Lied, The Royal Scam and Aja. Yes, the Joe Jackson album is just a treat. I really hope I can see him in concert but don't imagine he'll get far down south.

Sal Nunziato said...

The first nine records, including "Moontan" are all excellent. But then I lost track aside from the rare US MTV video.

Anonymous said...

For many years, when asked about my Steely Dan album rank*, Katy Lied would always be number one. I've always loved the songs, and I liked that there were no big hits on it. I think it's still #1 for me, but the Royal Scam has always been a favorite.

In their way, I think the Dan are under-appreciated and are unfairly lumped in with the yacht rock genre. They were more drug-runnin' speedboaters, if you ask me.


*People are always asking me this!

Sal Nunziato said...

One person asked me and I obliged:


Can’t Buy A Thrill **** 1/2
Countdown To Ecstasy ****
Pretzel Logic ***1/2
Katy Lied ***1/2
The Royal Scam ****1/2
Aja *****
Gaucho ****
Two Against Nature ***
Everything Must Go **

Anonymous said...

Mine's pretty similar, with Katy Lied higher (see above), Gaucho a little lower, and Everything Must Go a half star higher. There are a couple of songs on Everything Must Go that I think are better than any on Two Against Nature.

Bill, who's catching up after a weekend away.


Joe Higgs- Life Of Contradiction-****1/2 Aggrovators- Reggae Stones Dub (about half)- **1/2 Graduate- Acting My Age- **** (Had no idea this ...