Friday, April 19, 2024


Dr. Michael White- A Song For George Lewis
(Morning coffee, just like sitting on the balcony in New Orleans, except I am looking out of my office window at the Astoria Con Ed plant.)



David Bowie- The Next Day Extra E.P
(My favorite track from "The Next Day," left off the album proper.)

Todd Rundgren- The Ever Popular Tortured Artist Effect (Kevin Gray Cut)
(Opening night of the new tour last night. Setlist is mind blowing. Gonna be a lot of Todd on the box between now and when I see him.)


Blue Oyster Cult- Secret Treaties
(Their best!)


Pearl Jam- Dark Matter
("Backspacer" is my favorite Pearl Jam record and on first pass, this new one reminded me of that. I think I'm gonna like this one more as I play it.)

Judas Priest- Mudd Club '79
(Great invite only set. Long time tape trade among fans, finally gets an official release a few years back in a big boxed set. Good set!)

McAlmont & Butler- The Sound Of...
(Haven't played this one since it came out. Man, what the hell was I doing for 30 years? What a killer record!

Clarence "Bon Ton" Barlow- The Jay Miller Sessions
(There are easily 50 Jay Miller Session records and every one is worth your time.)


Anonymous said...

The new Pearl Jam is another Andrew Watt production. Might be worth a weekend mix of Watt's work. "Crawling Through The Wreckage" is a very good song; to me, Eddie sounds best on the songs with acoustic guitars.

McAlmont & Butler is new to me. Sounds like a mix of Phil Spector and Prince.

God Bless The Girl has a sparser mix than much of The Next Day, and DB's vocal is excellent.

Clarence "Bon Ton" Garlow sounds great!

- Paul in DK

Michael Giltz said...

I liked the new Pearl Jam at first blush, too. Though I'm no expert on them. This: "Morning coffee, just like sitting on the balcony in New Orleans, except I am looking out of my office window at the Astoria Con Ed plant." Spit take funny.


Milton Nascimento- Milton (1969)- *** Sun Ra- We Travel The Spaceways- ***1/2 The Liminanas- Faded- **** XTC- Oranges & Lemons- ****1/2 ...