Tuesday, April 25, 2023


Ian Hunter- Defiance Pt. 1
The Move- Looking On
Easy Star All-Stars- Ziggy Stardub (four songs)
Yes- Relayer (Steven Wilson Remix)
Syd Barrett- An Introduction To...
Mike Viola- Paul McCarthy
Mull Historical Society- Loss
Iggy Pop- The Idiot
Iggy Pop- Post Pop Depression

1 comment:

Michael Giltz said...

Tomorrow I predict Calypso or At Carnegie Hall? Or do you hesitate to put on their music the moment someone dies? I used to think I was creepy to immediately go buy someone's book if they died and an obit made one of their novels sound great. Now I realize what better tribute to an artist? Day-O!


Milton Nascimento- Milton (1969)- *** Sun Ra- We Travel The Spaceways- ***1/2 The Liminanas- Faded- **** XTC- Oranges & Lemons- ****1/2 ...